UniClubs/Clubs /Academic (Page 2)


IEEE PES UOW Student Chapter

Welcome to IEEE PES UOW Student Chapter Welcome to IEEE PES UOW Student Chapter IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) chapter for University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia promotes the technical developments in the domain of Power, and Energy that is very helpful in achieving and developing standards for industry growth. It is also very active in promoting awareness of latest developments and achievements for this field among the researchers, educationalist and public. IEEE PES chapter for UOW,...


Welcome to IEEE IAS UOW We are a group of electrical engineer students committed to the IEEE mission of fostering technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. Amongst all of the IEEE societies, the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) is unique—we work at the intersection of theory and practice, supporting the advancement of the work of academics and fellow engineers, and setting the standards for the application there of. From building connections with other...

Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Society (WUDFA)

Welcome to Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Society (WUDFA) Wollongong University Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Society (WUDFA) is the faculty club for the discipline of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at the University of Wollongong. As a collective, we aim to support PAIS students in their studies and extracurricular activities, and to facilitate insightful discussion of dynamic and complex issues, in areas such as international law, economics, history and foreign affairs. WUDFA hosts a variety of events...

Critical Care Interest Group (CCIG)

Welcome to Critical Care Interest Group (CCIG) Interest group for medical students interested in Emergency, Intensive Care and Emergency medicine ...

Civil Engineering Society

Welcome to Civil Engineering Society The Civil Engineering Society is dedicated to uniting students through a variety of events, activities, and networking opportunities. We strive to foster a supportive atmosphere where students with similar interests can connect and build enduring relationships. With regular networking events on our calendar, we facilitate encounters between students and potential employers, aiding in the establishment of professional connections and the attainment of job or internship opportunities. While our foundation is rooted...

Chinese Academic Business Learning & Education (CABLE)

Welcome to Chinese Academic Business Learning & Education (CABLE) High-achieving students can become a CABLE student leader by applying to the program (cableuow@hotmail.com) and successfully passing the interview process. CABLE leaders are responsible for the preparation and delivery of Chinese and English peer-led study sessions and participate in a broad range of social and sports activities involving both international and domestic UOW students. CABLE leaders will develop leadership, communication and team working skills by working...

Chemistry Society (ChemSoc)

Welcome to Chemistry Society (ChemSoc) ChemSoc is a UOW campus school-based society, with both student and staff as members. Most of us are interested in or studying chemistry in some way. If you study chemistry at any level, research or undergraduate, it’s the place to be. But, above all, we are a social club and welcome anyone as members. Feel free to contact us. ...

Biology Society (BioNet)

Welcome to Biology Society (BioNet) welcome to Bionet where we love all living things whether it be an Archaea, one of our many invertebrate friends like the sea cucumber or a millipede to our froggy vertebrate friends and our plant, fungi and everything in between. the diversity of life is special and sharing this with you all is in our DNA. ...

UOW Biomedical Engineering Society (B-MED)

Welcome to UOW Biomedical Engineering Society (B-MED) Welcome to the University of Wollongong’s Biomedical Engineering Society! BMED is a faculty club that fosters an environment that welcomes all students, staff, and community members who are interested in all things Biomed. We hold both social and academic events throughout the year and is the perfect place to meet like-minded individuals. As a multidisciplinary area of engineering, we invite anyone with a passion for biomedical engineering to sign...

Women in STEM

Welcome to Women in STEM UOW WiSTEM is a supportive community for women studying STEM fields and their allies, welcoming members from all backgrounds and areas of study. We aim to facilitate the development of members’ skills and professional networks in a welcoming environment. Additionally, we routinely share STEM-related industry opportunities and can help connect members with potential industry connections through networking events. ...