
Volleyball Club

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Welcome to Volleyball Club

Welcome all volleyball enthusiasts!

Whether you’re a seasoned player or you’re giving volleyball a try for the first time, this is the place for you! We are for the most part a social club, and accept players of all different skill levels. We are proud of the team spirit within our club, and always try to foster an inclusive and supportive environment. This isn’t hard to do, as our members are encouraging and super passionate about volleyball!
As we are a university club, our primary purpose is to create a social environment for students of Wollongong University to learn and practise volleyball skills, and to represent the University in sporting competitions such as inter-university clashes and UniSport Nationals.
We welcome members of the community to our club also, and we have a close relationship with Illawarra Volleyball Association, which allows us to facilitate opportunities for our members to represent the Illawarra at various levels of competitive volleyball such as in state cups, the Sydney Volleyball League and even the Australian Volleyball League.
We train predominantly for indoor volleyball, but because for us there is no such thing as too much volleyball, we do get out and about and play some beach volleyball too, during the summer.
The UOW Volleyball Club is a place to meet new (and awesome!) people that you’ll no doubt become close friends with, and learn and/or develop your volleyball skills. It can also be a great way to de-stress before exams (yep, being able to smash some volleyballs is quite a good outlet we assure you)!
We promise you that we’ll set you up for a great time, serve up some laughs, and soon enough you’ll be digging volleyball as much as we do!
UOW Volleyball Club aims to encourage participation, teamwork and sportsmanship to people of all backgrounds and skill levels through volleyball. We provide an environment for players to improve and pursue a higher level of volleyball competition. We also provide opportunities for members to build their coaching skills and give back to the club through junior development.
We offer weekly indoor volleyball training and social games, beach volleyball training social games and representative-level competition.


President: Mara Lee-Griswold
Vice President: Lachlan Date
Treasurer: Alexander Sproats
Secretary: Giorgio Novella

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